About Me

Hello, I'm Mukhlis Ahadi! Welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a passionate blogger, content writer, web designer and SEO freelancer based in Purworejo.

I am an individual who like to share stories, information, and ideas through this blog. With a background in blogging, I believe that every story has its own uniqueness and value.

Currently, I live in Purworejo, a small town in the southern part of Central Java.

My professional journey spans several fields, including blogging, content writing, SEO and web design. The combination of these skills allows me to produce engaging and informative content.

Contact Me

I value the thoughts and feedback of my readers. Feel free to reach out to me via admin@uklis.net  or connect with me on LinkedIn and Facebook

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy each piece of content I share!

Best regards,